Important notice

Please note that all these online documents are the only versions that are maintained. Printed or offline versions should be viewed as ‘uncontrolled’ and may not necessarily contain the latest updates and amendments, including updated hyperlinks.

Any feedback you have on the clinical pathways on this website would be greatly appreciated. Please send your feedback, as well as clinical pathway queries, to

Please note that is not for personal appointment queries. If you have questions or concerns regarding your personal appointment, please contact the healthcare provider you have been referred to or return to your original referrer for assistance.

Thumbnail Title Date Modified Size
PDF file icon Thrombocytosis pathway 18/09/2024 0.06 MB
PDF file icon Neutrophilia Eosinophila pathway 18/09/2024 0.06 MB
PDF file icon Polycythaemia or Erythrocytosis Elevated Heamatocrit (HCT) pathway 18/09/2024 0.07 MB
PDF file icon Lymphocytosis pathway 18/09/2024 0.07 MB
PDF file icon CLL GP information 18/09/2024 0.09 MB
PDF file icon Hyperferritinanaemia or Elevated Ferritin 18/09/2024 0.21 MB
PDF file icon Haematology pathways 22/11/2023 0.27 MB
PDF file icon Neutropenia pathway 18/09/2024 0.27 MB