Do you have feedback or concerns about a local NHS hospital or community service? 

NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board (ICB) is responsible for planning and buying (commissioning) health services for people living in Birmingham and Solihull.

We commission services from local hospitals, GP practices and other healthcare providers.

We welcome compliments, concerns and complaints, as this information can help us, not only to learn from patients’ experiences, but to make improvements to the services we commission. You can read our Complaints Policy.

We have a responsibility to ensure your complaint is investigated thoroughly, where the person affected by the issue is a patient at one of our GP practices in Birmingham and Solihull.

From 1 July 2023, NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB will hold delegated responsibility for complaints handling for primary care services; this includes GPs, dentists, pharmacists and opticians, and was previously the responsibility of NHS England.

These complaints will be managed by the Office of the West Midlands, Primary Care Complaints Team, hosted by NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB.  This team will hold overall responsibility for the handling of the complaint through to completion. Please see the Complaints Policy Appendix 1 for the primary care complaints process.

Any concerns and or complaints which relate to our primary care services will be initially received by NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB's Patient Experience Team (contact details below) to undertake any local resolution in the first instance and only if this is unsuccessful will the complaint be referred into either the relevant primary care provider or referred to the Office of the West Midlands Primary Care Complaints Team to facilitate the complaints handling and investigation of the formal complaint.

If you send your concern to us by mistake, don’t worry, we will get your permission and send it on to the right organisation.

Your complaint should be made as soon as possible. This should be within a year of the event, or as soon as it came to your attention. You can make a complaint about something that has happened to you, or on behalf of someone else, if you have their permission.

  • Write to: NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board, Patient Experience and Complaints Team, Alpha Tower, 8th Floor, Suffolk Street Queensway, Birmingham, B1 1TT
  • Email for complaints and patient enquiries:
  • Call: 0121 203 3313

For prison health and some specialised services, please contact NHS England:

If you have a complaint relating to the way an NHS service has been commissioned by NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB; how you have been directly affected by a commissioning decision made by us; or about a service commissioned by the ICB from a provider, please contact us.

There are advocacy services that provide support to anyone who wishes to make a complaint about the NHS, free of charge.

If you have used the Patient Experience and Complaints Team, we would like to hear you views on the service. Your comments will help us to improve the service for the future. Please complete our short survey. You can remain anonymous and do not need to give us your name. 

You can find out more about Patient Experience here.

Write to us: NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board, Patient Experience and Complaints Team, Alpha Tower, 8th Floor, Suffolk Street Queensway, Birmingham, B1 1TT

Telephone:  0121 203 3313


When we receive a complaint we will:

  • Acknowledge it within three working days

  • Arrange appropriate consent to release the information

  • Finalise the details and agree a time to respond to you.

If you require a copy of our Compliments, concerns and complaints leaflet in another language, or another format such as large print, braille or audio, please telephone 0121 203 3313 or email

  • Your name, address, telephone number and an email address (if available), and the same details if you are complaining on behalf of someone else

  • The date of birth and NHS number (if known), for the person the complaint relates to

  • A summary of what has happened, giving dates, where possible

  • Information about which organisation provided the care or service

  • A list of things that you are complaining about

  • What you would like to happen as a result of your complaint.

NHS England commissions:

  • General Practitioners (GPs)

  • Dentists

  • Opticians

  • Pharmacies

  • Prison health services

  • Some specialised services

You can either contact the service directly, or contact NHS England:

Telephone: 0300 311 2233


Telephone: 0121 333 8403

For Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham:

Telephone: 0121 371 4400


For Heartlands, Solihull and Good Hope hospitals:

Telephone: 0121 424 0808


Telephone: 0121 333 8403 or 0121 333 8505


If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). They can review the way in which your complaint has been handled, but you will need to contact the Ombudsman about your case within 12 months of the final local outcome of your complaint.

Telephone: 0345 015 4033
