Our aim is to ensure patients get the right care, at the right time, in the right place, first time.
Documentation to ensure correct referrals are all located on this website. The service can be used to follow clinical pathways from primary care through to secondary care to ensure patients referrals are processed as efficiently as possible.
This service should be used to process referrals efficiently. As primary care referrers please ensure the following information is always provided when making a referral:
- Up to date patient information.
- Primary reason for referral.
- Past medical history.
Please ensure all relevant documents and clinic letters are attached or referral questionnaires are completed when submitting referrals via Advice and Refer. Without this, the referral may take longer to process.
Important notice
Please note that all these online documents are the only versions that are maintained. Printed or offline versions should be viewed as ‘uncontrolled’ and may not necessarily contain the latest updates and amendments, including updated hyperlinks.
Any feedback you have on the clinical pathways on this website would be greatly appreciated. Please send your feedback, as well as clinical pathway queries, to nhsbsolicb.clinicalpathways@nhs.net.
Please note that nhsbsolicb.clinicalpathways@nhs.net is not for personal appointment queries. If you have questions or concerns regarding your personal appointment, please contact the healthcare provider you have been referred to or return to your original referrer for assistance.
Medicines formulary
Our clinical pathways may refer to the medicines formulary, which is a locally-agreed list of medicines that are suitable for prescribing within NHS Birmingham and Solihull. Visit our medicines formulary page to learn more and to access the formulary.