NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board (ICB) is committed to ensuring that any actual or perceived conflicts of interest are identified, managed and mitigated.

Employees, members of the Board, members of committees (and sub-committees) are required to make declarations of interests on a regular basis (e.g. quarterly and at the start of each committee meeting) and details of these declarations are given in the register

Interests will remain on the public register for a minimum of six months after the interest has expired. The ICB retains a private record of historic records for a minimum of six years after the date on which it expired. To submit a request for this information, please contact the ICB's Corporate Governance Team by emailing bsol.administrator@nhs.net

You can view the register of interests here. To read NHS Birmingham and Solihull ICB's Standards of Business Conduct Policy, please click here. You can view the details of the gifts register here and the hospitality register here. These registers show both the gifts and hospitality that have been received and declined.

To further strengthen scrutiny and transparency of the ICB's decision-making processes, we have appointed a Conflicts of Interest Guardian (akin to a Caldicott Guardian). This role is undertaken by Phil Jones, Non-executive Director, and Chair of the Audit Committee. Phil is contactable by emailing bsol.administrator@nhs.net or calling 0121 203 3300.